Zebra 3 Reports
Monday, 3 October 2005
Made in the USA
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Jacks Friend Tommy D is the Government
Topic: Liars & Cheaters
Old Tommy became majority whip and then majority leader by raising massive sums of money....speaking of $$$$ Just between the years 2000 and 2002 alone, he raised a total of $12.6 million -- and by strategically spending it on Republican candidates, in effect he was buying the loyalty of his colleagues.
His good buddy Jack (Abramoff) who was a DeLay's go-to guy on Israel issues, and Jack was instrumental in DeLay's push to make sure U.S. labor law could not be used to cover sweatshop workers in the Marianas, an American protectorate in the South Pacific. Oh sleepy Americans this is fine Government at work here.
(Clothing made in sweatshops in the Marianas can still be labeled "Made in U.S.A.") Even when this seems odd to me just knowing Tom and Jack spun it around a while means who knows how dirty it can be? It is like allot of unquestionable things with these guys that sorta become one of the many DeLayoddities!

Ya know Tommy D has been doing this dirty money passing to the Republican party for a long long time. See the Dirty Baker Dozen link
--> HERE By Basically funneling tons of cash to the GOP from ill begotten gains. Am I shocked? No ! I read that DeLay and two associates are NOW charged with conspiring to illegally steer $190,000 in corporate donations to state legislative candidates in 2002 and to disguise its source by sending it through national Republican campaign committees. Ahhhh yep! Laundering the money till its corporate clean.

Oh Boy seems like quite a creative scam for a bigot of a guy who once told a waiter in a restaurant that "he didn't care about the governments smoking laws concerning his lit cigar ...He was the Government"

Fame has its price and being mentioned on a weekly show on NBC by his "name" was being referred to as "the bad guy was wearing a Tom DeLay tee shirt". Hahaha ...nice!
Tommy D is mad but NBC tells him "So what just lump it you're a rock star NOW!! (those were my words but you get the point) hehehe

This is fitting

Join me NOW in a little celebration/remorse mp3 file jingle.

The download link if the above mp3 link doesn't work is this original link
here --> http://www.funnsylvania.com/media/tomdelay.mp3

NOW Here --> http://www.funnsylvania.com/media/tomdelay-prince.mp3 is a prince-DeLay mellow tribute that today is not complete without standing arm and arm and giving tribute to a "scammer loud mouth Hammer"

Posted by joe-anybody at 11:52 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 10 October 2005 1:08 AM PDT
Friday, 30 September 2005
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: OH MY ! Is he a Republican? HA HA
Topic: Liars & Cheaters
You know this just has to get a halarious mention.
This is not poolside humor this is just plain honest to goodness damn good news for a change.

The Indicted Stepping Down Tom makes the news. Read the Smoking Gun Issue.

Wanna tell Tom to git ta stepping ...
Click the key word

Now he says this ....(quote) A defiant DeLay said he had done nothing wrong and denounced the Democratic prosecutor who pursued the case as a "partisan fanatic." He said, "This is one of the weakest, most baseless indictments in American history. It's a sham." (end quote)

Ha ha this guy has a list of ethics violations a mile long
He has been disciplened before over numerous issues like this. And he claims its a sham ....no its a joke and the rope is on your soap tommy and you aint going to be laughing nor golfing now!

"Mr. DeLay Just Answer The Questions Please"

Posted by joe-anybody at 12:51 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 30 September 2005 9:52 AM PDT

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