Zebra 3 Reports
Wednesday, 12 October 2005
FEMA re-bids after a Whistleblower says "Shame"
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: The Shell Game
Well now first I must mention that on 8.29.05 a whistle blowers law suit is in the mix by Bunny Greenhouse. The officer who served as the top procurement official for the army corps of engineers, who has now been fired from her top job by the Pentagon and demoted from her hard-earned position in the elite senior executive service of the federal government. What did she do to merit this?

well... Bunny crossed Halliburton

All she did was ask why Halliburton was getting longterm no-bid contracts, and why it was getting waivers from on high for overcharging the government on fuel contracts.

In Congressional testimony, she called Halliburton's $7 billion oil-repair contract "the most blatant and improper contract abuse I have ever witnessed during the course of my [20 year] professional career." She added that "every aspect" of the deal had been controlled by Donnie Rumsfeld's office.

*Zipadeedo Da Zipadee-a Controlled by Donnie Rumsfield --all the way* .., sounds like that sad song that is sung to the sleeping. Pretty painless when one is asleep to care about anything.

So then I read in a blog from New Orleans that I have mentioned as being a favorite web cam site in previous posts. Well he says to go to this --> website to read about how... (quote) "Last week, U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La, introduced the Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita Fairness in Contracting Act of 2005. The legislation would require open competition for contracts and emphasize the use of Louisiana businesses".(end quote)
Well how surprising!

One of those big bidders was The Shaw Group (Hey deep sleepers Remember Shaw Co from my post titled FEMA Quinn and a Blackhawk National Guard Hero CLICK HERE IN CASE YOU FORGOT Well there were three other companies besides Shaw that received $100 million no-bid FEMA contracts to build emergency housing.

So now Acting FEMA Director David Paulison followed up on a pledge he made to the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee last week. He said hundreds of millions of dollars already handed out with little or no competition would be rebid. Now we seem to be making progress....he goes on to say in addition to rebidding the major contracts, a FEMA plan to competitively award recovery contracts to small disadvantaged businesses and to consider the geographic location of prime contractors and subcontractors to ensure a preference for local hires

......oh wait isn't Shaw Co local?(heheh)

Posted by joe-anybody at 12:31 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 12 October 2005 2:10 AM PDT

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